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Ясный - Svetly
Unearth Noise
Библиотека состояний / State Library
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Samy Ben Rabah
Deep Man (Laurent Donckers)
Assembly of honey
Хенрик Мейеркорд / Henrik Meierkord
Михаил Медведев / Mikhail Medvedev
Zach Schneider
Vitamin.D.D.Fish In Sea
Гаутам Карник / Gautam Karnik
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Somebody Bo (Александр Бождай)
Vincent Eoppolo
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Главная » Музыкальные альбомы » Vitamin.D.D.Fish » the call of the wild

the call of the wild

Vitamin.D.D.Fish In Sea
the call of the wild С этим альбомом связана романтическая история. В порыве ревности бывшая подруга музыканта удалила все треки со страницы в soundcloud, поскольку пароль был сохранен на ее компьютере. Сами файлы тоже, видимо, хранились там или вообще неизвестно где, и были безвозвратно утрачены автором. Каково же было его удивление, когда выяснилось, что Meticulous midgets бережно сохранил их для потомков!

Релиз на Meticulous midgets:
Vitamin.D.D.Fish In Sea - the call of the wild



Little Daydream

Leave me to be
With my little daydream
This reality means fuck all when compared to thee
I long to live
Lost in its translation
Elevated in your company

You can keep this life for what it's worth
You could own the centre of the earth

You could find the universes birth
But you will never own me in my own world


Monday I'm under
I'm under a monday again


I've been doing a poo
I've twit tawooh
Tawnyowl I'm barmy now
I've been trying to kip
But it feels like i've taken a trip (I felt like taking a dip on verse 2)
Dropped into a deep pit

Into my nightmare
I had a fright dear
I'm shot with shite fear
With your machine gun
I've stuck the kettle on
Chucked down the nettle's dawn

I keep speeding up then i keep on slowing down
I keep screwing up when shit's going down
Lah lala Lah lala lala!

12 lonely primus

12 lonely primus in the night time
11 10 9
8 7 6
5 4
3 2 1
oh no
look what you've done to me
oh b+m just look what you done

I can't go back
I can't go back to the what I once was
We can't go back
We can't go back to the place we once were
oh no

No lonely primus
Dust me on the floor
oh no
Look what you've done

Crites and cretins

on and on and on and on
Shadoobie do wah!
They never give up!


there you go
you just don't know what you're going for
your legs keep moving
but you just don't seem too sure about it (keep moving)
keep moving
your legs keep moving
keep moving

Bungleman vs spiderman

meeting spider man
eating spiders man
in my stella can
broken necks
on my epiphone
on my telephone
in my stately home

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Meticulous midgets

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